D-Lib Magazine
The Magazine of Digital Library Research

A U T H O R   G U I D E L I N E S

D-Lib Magazine suspended publication of new issues in July 2017.


A U T H O R   R I G H T S

Note that all rights reside with the author(s) of D-Lib Magazine content. CNRI identified the author(s) as the copyright holder(s) unless specifically directed otherwise. D-Lib Magazine required non-exclusive permission to disseminate and make the material available. Author(s) were responsible for clearing any rights prior to submitting materials. Should the author(s) decide to publish an article elsewhere at some future date, we ask the author(s) to notify us at [email protected] as a courtesy, and if possible, to include language indicating that the material has previously appeared in D-Lib Magazine, and in which issue.

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