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D-Lib Magazine
Donna Bergmark
Donna Bergmark is a member of the Digital Library Research Group which is part of the Computer Science Department at Cornell University. Her current research interests are reference linking, Web research, and the Open Archives Initiative. She is the author of "Collection Synthesis", which won the Vannevar Bush Award at the ACM Digital Libraries Conference in June 2002. Prior to becoming a researcher in the Computer Science Department, she was a programmer and manager of the Parallel Tools group in the Cornell Theory Center.
To return to Donna Bergmark's article, click (here).
Tim Brody
Tim Brody developed the Citebase search service, as part of the output of the Open Citation Project. He is also actively involved with EPrints software, and with the Open Archives Initiative. Tim is a doctoral student at the University of Southampton, having graduated in 2001. His interests include digital library systems, analysis of the scholarly literature, and distributed information infrastructures.
To return to Tim Brody's article, click (here).
George Buchanan
George Buchanan is currently a research fellow at Middlesex University, London. His research interests center on the usability of information systems, particularly digital libraries and small-screen information access. In addition to his work at Middlesex, he is also a member of the New Zealand Digital Library Group. Previous to his academic career, George ran a successful specialized software development business after taking his first degree in Computer Science at the University of York, UK.
To return to George Buchanan's conference report, click (here).
Les Carr
Les Carr directs technical development for the Open Citation Project. He is a lecturer in the Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia (IAM) Research Group at Southampton, where he teaches courses on advanced programming. Les is also an investigator on the Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) project, which was set up to investigate techniques and tools to support the knowledge lifecycle.
To return to Les Carr's article, click (here).
Edward A. Fox
Dr. Edward A. Fox holds a Ph.D. and M.S. in Computer Science from Cornell University, and a B.S. from M.I.T. Since 1983 he has been at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), where he serves as Professor of Computer Science. He directs the Internet Technology Innovation Center at Virginia Tech, Digital Library Research Laboratory, Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, Computing and Information Technology Interactive Digital Educational Library (CITIDEL), and a number of other R&D projects. He chairs the Policy Committee of the NSDL. In addition to his courses at Virginia Tech, Dr. Fox has taught over 50 tutorials in more than 18 countries.
To return to Edward Fox's article, click (here).
Christopher Gutteridge
Christopher Gutteridge is the primary author of GNU EPrints 2 software, which facilitates online archives of research papers and other scholarly material. He can be found working as a System Programmer, Webmaster, UNIX Admin, Teaching Support, Research Assistant as well as EPrints developer and support (often all at once) in the Department of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton.
To return to Christopher Gutteridge's article, click (here).
Wendy Hall
Wendy Hall is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton, UK. She was the founding Head of the Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia (IAM) Research Group in the Department of Electronics and Computer Science at Southampton and is currently the Head of the Department. Her research interests include open hypermedia systems and link services, digital libraries, multimedia databases, content-based retrieval, agent systems and user interfaces.
To return to Wendy Hall's article, click (here).
Stevan Harnad
Stevan Harnad is a principal investigator, and visionary, behind the Open Citation Project. He is Professor of Cognitive Science at Southampton University. His research is on categorisation, communication and cognition. Stevan is founder and editor of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (a paper journal published by Cambridge University Press), Psycoloquy (an electronic journal sponsored by the American Psychological Association) and the CogPrints Eprint Archive.
To return to Stevan Harnad's article, click (here).
Steve Hitchcock
Steve Hitchcock is project manager for the Open Citation Project, which develops citation linking and analysis services for open-access archives. Previously he worked on the Open Journal Project. Steve is also Development Editor for the Web-only Journal of Digital Information. He was awarded a Ph.D. this year for a thesis examining a new Web publishing model, called Perspectives in Electronic Publishing, based on link technology.
To return to Steve Hitchcock's article, click (here).
Sung-Hyuk Kim
Sung-Hyuk Kim received his B.A. degree from Yonsei University, Korea in 1975, his MS degree from Case Western Reserve University, Cleveleand, OH in 1983 and his Ph.D. degree from Yonsei University in 1991, respectively. He is a professor in the Division of Information Science at Sookmyung Women's University in Korea. After working as a manager for computer systems at Daishin Securities, he joined Sookmyung Women's University in 1991. Currently, he leads the DL Laboratory at Sookmyung Women's University. His main areas of interests are document structuring using XML, electronic catalog for e-commerce, metadata and semantic applications on the digital libraries.
To return to Sung-Hyuk Kim's article, click (here).
Donald W. King
Mr. King is a Research Professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences. He was formerly at King Research, Inc. and Westat, Inc., where his 40-year career focused on research and description of communication systems and services. He has co-authored or edited 17 books and hundreds of formal publications in this area. He was named Pioneer in Science Information by Chemical Heritage Foundation; Research Award and Award of Merit, American Society for Information Science & Technology; Fellow, American Statistical Association; Miles Conrad Award and Honorary Fellow, National Federation of Abstracting and Information Services; among other formal awards and honors.
To return to Donald King's article, click (here).
Carl Lagoze
Carl Lagoze is Director of Technology in the National Science Digital Library (NSDL) project and Senior Research Associate in Computing and Information Science at Cornell University. He also shares the executive role in the Open Archives Initiative (OAI) and is co-architect of the OAI Protocol for Metadata Harvesting.
To return to Carl Lagoze's article, click (here).
Ronald L. Larsen
Dr. Larsen is Dean of the School of Information Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh. Prior to moving to Pittsburgh in 2002, he was Executive Director of the Maryland Applied Information Technology Initiative (MAITI), Deputy Director of the Maryland Information and Network Dynamics (MIND) Laboratory, and an affiliate associate professor in the UMCP Computer Science department. He has also held positions at DARPA, the University of Maryland Libraries, and NASA.
To return to Ronald Larsen's article, click (here).
Carol Hansen Montgomery
Dr. Carol Hansen Montgomery has been a library researcher, educator, and administrator for more than 30 years. She holds a doctorate from Drexel University's College of Information Science and Technology and is the author or editor of five books. She has published extensively in the journal literature, most recently about Drexel's experiences moving to an "all" electronic journal collection. A recipient of numerous grants she reports here on the results of study funded by the Institute for Museum and Library Services. See: <http://www.library.drexel.edu/facts/staff/dean.html>.
To return to Carol Hansen Montgomery's article, click (here).
Reagan W. Moore
Dr. Reagan Moore is Co-Program Manager for Data and Knowledge Systems at the San Diego Supercomputer Center and Adjunct Professor in the UCSD CSE department. He coordinates research efforts on digital libraries, data grids, and persistent archives. An ongoing research interest is support for knowledge based data-intensive computing. Recent publications include an article on "Preservation of Data, Information, and Knowledge," published at the World Library Summit, Singapore, April 2002. He has a Ph.D. in plasma physics from the University of California, San Diego (1978) and a BS in physics from the California Institute of Technology (1967).
To return to Reagan Moore's article, click (here).
Javed Mostafa
Dr. Javed Mostafa is currently the Victor H. Yngve Associate Professor of Information Science and Associate Professor of Informatics at Indiana University, Bloomington. He also has formal faculty affiliations with the Cognitive Science Program at Bloomington (core faculty) and the Computer & Information Science Department (adjunct associate professor), at IUPUI, Indianapolis. Dr. Mostafa's research interest lies in intelligent multi-modal interface design for information access. Dr. Mostafa has received funding from the Digital Libraries Phase II initiative of NSF (Award #9817572). Current research projects include the Information Technology Research Phase I initiative of NSF (Award #0081944), and the Cultural Library Indexing Our Heritage (CLIOH) initiative funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
To return to Javed Mostafa's article, click (here).
Sung Hyon Myaeng
Sung Hyon Myaeng is currently a professor at Chungnam National University, Korea. Prior to this appointment, he taught in the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University where his tenure was granted. His research work has been in cross-language IR, summarization, categorization, distributed IR and digital libraries. He is an Associate Editor for ACM Transactions on Asian Language Information Processing and is on the editorial board for Information Processing and Management and other journals. He was a co-chair for ACM SIGIR, 2002 for which he had served on program committees for many years.
To return to Sung Hyon Myaeng's article, click (here).
Himansu Tripathy
Himansu Tripathy is a graduate student of Information Science at Indiana University, with background of Electrical Engineering. His interests focus on user-centered interface design. He is currently working in the Laboratory of Applied Informatics Research. Previously he worked on real time system applications in process industries.
To return to Himansu Tripathy's article, click (here).
Junliang Zhang
Junliang Zhang is currently a second year Ph.D. student in the school of library and information science at Indiana University, Bloomington. He also serves as the research assistant in the Laboratory of Applied Informatics Research in IU directed by Dr. Javed Mostafa. Before his Ph.D. study, Junliang Zhang earned his bachelor's degree in management information system and master's degree in economics in China. His interests mainly focus on the information retrieval, user interface design, and information visualization.
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DOI: 10.1045/october2002-authors