Volume 9 Number 5
ISSN 1082-9873 Authors in the May 2003 Issue of D-Lib Magazine |
Johan Bollen is Assistant Professor at the Computer Science department of Old Dominion University, which he joined in 2002. He worked at the Free University of Brussels for the Principia Cybernetica project as an Assistant Editor/Researcher from 1994 to 1999, after which he joined the Active Recommendations Project of the Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library in 1999. His work focuses on the development of algorithms for adaptive information linking from temporal patterns of user retrievals. His research has found applications in the prediction of human hypertext navigation paths, the construction of large document networks, novel digital library recommendation systems and the evaluation of document and journal impact.
To return to Johan Bollen's article, click (here).
Peter Boyce was Executive Officer and Senior Associate for Electronic Publishing of the American Astronomical Society (AAS). During his time at the AAS, he led the Society into the electronic era. In 1992 Boyce, with Chris Biemesderfer and Heather Dalterio, authored a five-year plan to bring the AAS journals on line. Peter put together and led the AAS electronic publishing development team from 1992 to 1999. The first AAS journal came on line in 1995, and all AAS journals were on line by 1997, fulfilling the 1992 plan.
He left the AAS in 1999 and is now a Research Associate at the Nantucket Maria Mitchell Association.
To return to Peter Boyce's article, click (here).
Priscilla Caplan is Assistant Director for Digital Library Services at the
Florida Center for Library Automation. She was previously Assistant
Director for Library Systems at the University of Chicago, and before that
worked in library systems at Harvard University. She has published on
reference linking, metadata, and standards for digital libraries, and is
the author of Metadata Fundamentals for All Librarians (ALA Editions, 2003).
To return to Priscilla Caplan's book review, click (here).
Marilyn Deegan has a Ph.D. in medieval studies. Her specialism is Anglo-Saxon medical texts and herbals, and she has published and lectured widely in medieval studies, digital library research, and humanities computing. She is Director of Forced Migration Online at the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University, a major digital library and portal for materials concerned with all aspects of refugee studies. She is Editor-in-Chief of Literary and Linguistic Computing, the Journal of the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, and Director of Publications for the Office for Humanities Communication based at King's College London. Dr. Deegan has recently published a book, Digital Futures: Strategies for the Information Age, with Simon Tanner.
To return to Marilyn Deegan's article, click (here).
Mercy Ebuen graduated in May 2003 from the University of Tennessee's Information Science program where her particular focus was on media in libraries and education. Her future plans include working as a K-12 library media specialist.
To return to Mercy Ebuen's article, click (here).
Amy Friedlander is Special Projects Associate at the Council on Library and Information Resources, where she works fulltime on the Library of Congress' National Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program (NDIIPP). She was the founding editor of this magazine from 1995 to 1998 and of iMP: The magazine on information impacts (http://www.cisp.org/imp/back_issues/back_issues.html), which addressed the public policy implications of the information technologies. While at CNRI, she also wrote a series of monographs on the historical development of large-scale, technology intensive infrastructures in the U.S.
To return to Amy Friedlander's article, click (here).
Matt Grayson recently graduated from the University of Tennessee
with a Master's of Science in Information Science. He will soon become
the Technology Coordinator for the School of Information Sciences at the
University of Tennessee. His primary research interests include XML, other
markup languages and the use of weblogs for knowledge management.
To return to Matt Grayson's article, click (here).
Donald W. King is Research Professor, University of Pittsburgh School of Information Sciences. His 40-year career has focused on research and description of communication services. He began exploring the potential of electronic publishing in the late 1960s through a series of National Science Foundation projects. He and colleagues have performed readership surveys involving scientists nearly every year since 1974. He has co-authored 18 books and hundreds of formal publications. He was honored as Pioneer in Science Information by the Chemical Heritage Foundation; Research Award and Award of Merit by the American Society for Information Science & Technology; and Fellow, American Statistical Association; among other formal awards and honors.
To return to Donald King's article, click (here).
John Kirriemuir is a researcher in the use of information and communications technologies in education. John has worked with and on a wide variety of JISC-funded projects and services, and was heavily involved with the development of the new
JISC web site. His research speciality is the relevance of video games to education, for which he undertakes
consultancy and research for education funding bodies and the games sector. He is also studying for a Ph.D. in this area at
the Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol in England. When not exploring Scottish islands, he lives and
works in Lochwinnoch, Scotland.
To return to John Kirriemuir's article, click (here).
Rick Luce is the Research Library Director at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Project Leader of the Library Without Walls. Known as both an information technology pioneer and organizational innovator, he holds numerous advisory and consultative positions supporting digital library development and digital publishing. In 1999 he co-founded the Open Archives Initiative with Herbert Van de Sompel and Paul Ginsparg. Currently, he is the Senior Advisor to the Center for Information Management at the Max Planck Society, an Executive Board member of NISO and of the University of California's Digital Media Innovations Program, and Course Director of TICER's International Spring School on the Digital Library and E-Publishing for Science and Technology in Geneva. Rick speaks extensively in the areas of digital libraries and scientific communication, quality and change management, and strategic planning.
To return to Rick Luce's article, click (here).
Deanna B. Marcum is president of the Council on Library and Information Resources, an independent, nonprofit organization in Washington, D.C., that works to maintain and improve access to information for generations to come, both in the United States and around the world. Previously, she has been director of public service and collection management at the Library of Congress and dean of the School of Library and Information Science at The Catholic University of America. She holds a B.A. in English from the University of Illinois, an M.L.S. from the University of Kentucky, and a Ph.D. in American Studies from the University of Maryland. She has written or edited four books concerning libraries and numerous articles in journals including Libraries and Culture.
To return to Deanna Marcum's article, click (here).
James W. Marcum is University Librarian at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey, overseeing libraries at both the Metropolitan Campus in Teaneck-Hackensack and the College at Florham. Previously Chief Librarian and Professor at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York (1998-2002), he directed the libraries at the University of Texas-Permian Basin (1996-1998) and Centenary College of Louisiana (1991-1996). He holds an M.S.L.S. from the University of North Texas and the Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina. Before his library career, he was a professor of history at Oklahoma Baptist University (1967-1980), and engaged in private business (1980-1990). He has published several articles on learning and management in academic libraries.
To return to James Marcum's article, click (here).
Clare Rogers has been the project manager for the JISC web
redevelopment, overseeing the original studies that underpin this work,
tendering for suppliers and overall project management and liaison.
Clare has been a member of the JISC executive for three and a half
years, as part of the JISC Assist team. Clare recently left JISC
to take up a key role with the National Trust as Head of Learning and
Interpretation (Acting), and is pursuing other related interests
and activities such as an MEd at University of Bristol, sailing and
rally driving.
To return to Clare Rogers' article, click (here).
Simon Tanner is Senior Consultant for the HEDS Digitisation Service at the University of Hertfordshire. Formerly, he was Head of Library Services at Rolls-Royce and Associates, and held information and IT posts at IBM and the Pilkington Library, Loughborough University. His consultancy activities have centred upon digitization, project management and digital library development for clients such as Oxford University, the National Library of Ireland, the Royal Academy of Arts, the Metadata Engine Project and Denmark's National Electronic Research Library. He also advises a number of European initiatives and the New Opportunities Fund digitization programme. Simon is the co-author (with Dr. Marilyn Deegan) of the successful book, Digital Futures: Strategies for the Information Age.
To return to Simon Tanner's article, click (here).
Carol Tenopir is a professor at the School of Information Sciences at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. Her areas of teaching and research include: information access and retrieval, electronic publishing, the information industry, online resources, and the impact of technology on reference librarians. She is the author of four books, including, most recently, Towards Electronic Journals: Realities for Scientists, Librarians and Publishers (Washington DC: Special Libraries Association, 2000), with Donald W. King. Dr. Tenopir has published over 200 journal articles, is a frequent speaker at professional conferences, and since 1983 has written the "Online Databases" column for Library Journal. Dr. Tenopir holds a Ph.D. degree in Library and Information Science from the University of Illinois.
To return to Carol Tenopir's article, click (here).
Soma Sekhara Vemulapalli is a Masters student in the Department of Computer
Science, Old Dominion University. He earned his bachelor's degree in computer
science from Mangalore University, India. His present work as Research
Assistant includes the design and implementation of algorithms for
adaptive information linking from temporal patterns of user retrievals.
His research interests include digital libraries, information security,
distributed systems and systems programming.
To return to Soma Sekhara Vemulapalli's article, click (here).
Weining Xu is a Master's student and Graduate Research Assistant in the Computer Science Department, Old Dominion University, which she joined in 2001. She graduated with a Master's of Electrical Engineering from the Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi'an, China in 1997. She worked at the Beijing Electrical System Engineering Institute from 1997 through 2000.
To return to Weining Xu's article, click (here).
Yan is a graduate student at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. She is currently working as a research assistant, responsible for data transcribing, on an NSF-funded project that is part of the National Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Education Digital Library (NSDL).
To return to Yan Zhang's article, click (here).
Copyright © 2003 Corporation for National Research Initiatives
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DOI: 10.1045/may2003-authors